Walter Sisulu University Courses Offered In South Africa

By | December 14, 2023

Admission Programmes

Bachelor of Arts

Minimum Admission Requirements

Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption: At least two subjects in Humanities or teaching subjects, with at least two subjects with E (HG) and two subjects with D (SG) and a pass in any other two school subjects.

Bachelors’ endorsement with NSC: Achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) for any four NSC Subjects, at least 2 of which are in the Humanities or are teaching subjects. If English is taken as a major, it should be at least at level 5 (60-69%).

Mature age exemption for the applicant in possession of the Senior Certificate (old matriculation) as per Rule 1.7 of the WSU General Rule and Regulations.


The duration of study for the degree shall extend over a minimum period of three years of full-time study, not exceeding 5 years of full-time study.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

Bachelor of Social Science

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Exemption and mature age exemption for applicants in possession of the senior certificate (old matriculation).
  • Bachelor’s endorsement with an NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) for any four NSC Subjects.  If English is taken as a major, it should at least be at level 5. NSC rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) for English (if not to be taken as a Major), which is the language of learning and teaching at WSU, and a pass in any other school subject.
  • Mature age exemption for the applicant in possession of the Senior Certificate (old matriculation) as per Rule 1.7 of the WSU General Rule and Regulations


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

Bachelor of Laws

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Senior Certificate with at least E (HG) and D (SG) in school subjects.
  • See under admission requirements under Bachelor of Laws
  • Mature age exemption for the applicant in possession of the Senior Certificate (old matriculation) as per Rule 1.7 of the WSU General Rule and Regulations


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

BA (Hons) Afrikaans, English, isiXhosa or Sesotho

Students can apply for admission into the BA Honours programme in any of these subjects: Afrikaans, English or isiXhosa.

Admission Requirements

  • To be admitted to the BA Honours program under the Department of Arts, a student is required to have a Bachelor’s degree with the subject of choice as a major, traceable from years 1 to 3.
  • A student is further required to meet all the university’s general rules and regulations.


The program is offered for a minimum period of one year full-time a maximum period of three years for full-time and four years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

Master of Arts

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • Students can apply for admission to a Master’s degree in English or IsiXhosa.
  • To be admitted to the MA programme under the Department of Arts, a student is required to have a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in the subject of choice.
  • A student is further required to meet all the required university general rules and regulations.


The program is offered for a minimum period of one year full-time a maximum period of three years for full-time and four years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

Bachelor of Social Science

Minimum requirements for Matriculation

  • Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption: At least two subjects in Humanities with at least two subjects with E (HG) and two subjects with D (SG) and a pass in any other two school subjects
  • Bachelor’s endorsement with an NSC achievement rating of at least 4 (50 – 59%) for any four NSC Subjects. 
  • The minimum APS required for a Bachelor’s degree is 26 to 29 for Extended Programmes, and 30 and above for the mainstream.

Duration of the programme

The programme shall extend over a minimum of three years of study for a full-time student.

However, a part-time and extended programme student may spread the curriculum over a minimum of four years.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


The Discipline does not offer a stand-alone programme at the undergraduate level.

The Discipline provides for students to choose Anthropology as a Major, which can be combined with any other discipline chosen as a second major for the Bachelor of Social Science programme.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Admission requirements

To register, a student is required to have a Bachelor’s degree with Anthropology as a major subject or its equivalent.

A student is further required to meet all the University’s required general rules and regulations.


The program is offered for a minimum period of one year full-time a maximum period of three years for full-time and four years for part-time.

NB. A Master of Arts Degree, based on a dissertation, is also offered with a major in Anthropology.

Admission requirements

To be admitted to an honours programme with a major in Anthropology or equivalent is required.


A minimum period of one year, full-time and a maximum period of four years for full-time and five years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


  • The Discipline at the undergraduate level does not offer a stand-alone programme.
  • The Discipline provides for students to choose Criminology as a Major, which can be combined with any other discipline chosen as a Second Major for the Bachelor of Social Science programme.
  • On registering for Criminology as a major field of study, a student may also consider registering for the following modules as electives: Legal History (LHR 1103); Legal Skills (LSS 1104); Criminal Law (CLA 2101 & CLA 2207); Criminal Procedure (CPA 3102 & CPA 3201); Law of Evidence (LOE 3103).  


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

BSoc Science (Honours) majoring in CRIMINOLOGY

Admission requirements

To register a student is required to have a Bachelor’s degree with Criminology as a major subject or equivalent.

A student is further required to comply with the University’s general rules and regulations.


A minimum period of one year, full-time and a maximum period of four years for full-time and five years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Admission requirements

To register a student is required to have a Bachelor of Arts Honours (Criminology) or equivalent.

It is further required that a student should comply with the University’s general rules as stipulated in the general prospectus. 


A minimum period of one year full-time, and a maximum period of four years for full-time and five years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


A student shall be admitted if in possession of an approved Bachelor’s degree in a field other than Information Science. 

To qualify for the award of PGDLIS, a student must obtain 10 modules.  LID 4204, LID 4205, LID 4202, and LID 4107, are compulsory.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Bachelor of Social Sciences: Philosophy as a Major

  • The Discipline does not offer a stand-alone programme (in the sense of a degree qualification in Philosophy) at the undergraduate level.
  • The Department provides for students to choose Philosophy as a major, which can be combined with any other discipline chosen as a second major.
  • In the case where Philosophy is chosen as one of the majors, students will be required to register for, and pass, all the prescribed modules at all the levels (that is, four modules at each of Levels 1 to 3).
  • Provision is also made for students to choose any of the prescribed modules as electives, depending on their interests and the relevance of such modules to the programme (degree qualification) being pursued.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Admission requirements

  • A Bachelor’s degree with a major in Philosophy or a cognate discipline (with 80% similarities) OR
  • (A Bachelor’s degree in some other discipline or program (with 80% similarities), plus the satisfaction of the Department that the study of Philosophy would complement the student’s past qualifications and experience. In this case, the prospective student must agree to register for our modules and to pursue a dissertation project that would complement his or her previous experience.
  • A student is further required to meet all the University’s required general rules and regulations.


  • The program is offered for one year full-time and two years part-time. 
  • To be awarded this qualification, a student must complete three core modules (66 credits), one of which is a mini-dissertation, as well as three electives (54 credits) chosen from a given range of taught optional modules.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Admission Requirements

An Honours degree in Philosophy or a cognate discipline, (with 80% similarities), plus the satisfaction of the Department that study of Philosophy would complement the student’s past qualifications and experience.

In this case, the prospective student must agree to register for our modules and to pursue a dissertation project that would complement his or her previous experience.

Duration is a minimum of 2 academic years.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

MASTER OF ARTS:  Psychology/Industrial Psychology

  • The Master’s programme is designed to enhance and deepen students’ knowledge in specific areas in the field of psychology/industrial psychology and to acquire practical skills in research design, statistics and computing.
  • The entrance requirement for the Master’s programme is an average of 65% honours degree in Psychology/Industrial Psychology or equivalent.
  • Students are expected to have a strong academic record and basic foundational training necessary to begin work on their research topic.
  • Relevant experience may be considered in the selection of candidates.


A minimum period of one year full-time and a maximum period of four years for full-time and five years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


  • A student who has majored in Sociology and any other social science discipline as a second major and has completed a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree /its equivalent with a minimum of 60% overall may be admitted to the honors program.
  • Furthermore, admission to the honours programme sociology depends on departmental approval.


A minimum period of one year full-time and a maximum period of three years for full-time and four years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

MASTER OF ARTS (Sociology)

  • A student who has majored in sociology and any other social science discipline as a second major and has completed a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree /its equivalent with a minimum of 60% overall may be admitted to the master’s program.
  • Furthermore, admission to the master’s program in sociology depends on departmental approval.


A minimum period of one year full-time and a maximum period of four years for full-time and five years for part-time.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.

Admission Requirements

  • To gain access to the LLB programme, prospective students need the appropriate combinations of recognised National Senior Certificate (NSC) subjects, as well as certain levels of achievement in these subjects.
  • A summary of the LLB-specific requirements and the Admission Point Score (APS) score required shall be the minimum of 34 for admission to the LLB as provided for on the Faculty prospectus.
  • In addition to the APS above, prospective students must have obtained these minimum scores in the following subjects:
    • (50-59%) in English
    • (50-59%) in Mathematical Literacy or
    • (40-49%) in Mathematics.
  • Note
    • A student may not register for more additional courses than the number allowed at that level.
    • A student may not register for level 3 whilst they have level 1 module(s) outstanding.
    • A student may not register for level 4 modules whilst they have level 1 and level 2 module(s) outstanding.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Admission Requirements

  • Possess a first degree in law (LLB) or the equivalent qualification from another institution with at least a second class, second division or its equivalent
  • Show a level of proficiency which in the opinion of the Board of the Department of Legal Studies makes it likely that he/she will succeed in his/her studies.
  • The level of proficiency required is an average of 60% overall and 60% in the area of interest in the LLB programme, provided that if the applicant has the requisite experience or other qualifications relevant to his/her pursuit of graduate studies in law he/she may be admitted to the LLM programme at the discretion of the Department of Legal Studies.
  • Have the ability to work with legal and non-legal materials in the English language.
  • The Master of Laws Committee of the Department of Legal Studies may require an applicant, as a condition of admission, to undergo such tests as the Board may prescribe or to take such other pre-requisite or concurrent studies and examinations as the Committee may determine.


  • A six-monthly report on the progress of a student for a dissertation shall be submitted to the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee by the supervisor.
  • The candidate shall submit a similar report through the supervisor and Faculty.
  • The Faculty Higher Degrees Committee may at any time suspend or cancel the registration of a student who in its view is not making satisfactory progress with his/her studies.
  • If a candidate fails to complete his/her studies within the number of years specified in (above), the Senate may refuse to renew his/her registration or may renew it subject to any conditions it may see fit to impose.
  • The LLM programme by dissertation consists entirely of research leading to the submission of a dissertation with a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 48 months, after the date of first registration. In either case, an extension of up to six months may be approved by the Departmental Board.
  • The research project leading to the submission of a dissertation as the only requirement for the LLM degree is carried out under the supervision of a member of the full-time staff nominated by the relevant academic department and approved by the Departmental Board.
  • The research topic, which shall, in particular, be in the Department’s niche areas, is subject to the approval of the Department of Legal Studies.
  • The dissertation must show evidence that the candidate has resorted to primary sources and /or empirical data and a contribution to knowledge and understanding of the candidate’s field of research.
  • Senate shall monitor the student’s progress by receiving half-yearly progress reports from the supervisor through the Master of Laws Committee of the Department of Legal Studies.
  • After the dissertation has been assessed by the supervisor it shall be sent for external evaluation under the University’s General Rules. The degree may be awarded with distinction.
  • For the candidate to graduate with the LLM degree, s/he together with his/her supervisor must have, during the period of study, submitted an article flowing from his LLM research work for review in an accredited journal.
  • The candidate will be expected to present a topic in a seminar from time to time during his studies.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Programme Admission Criteria

  • The initial acceptance into the Registered Counsellor programme is a National Senior Certificate with a Bachelor endorsement or any equivalent NQF Level 4 qualification.
  • A minimum of 30 NSC point score is required with the following minima: English (50-59%); Life Sciences (50-59%)
  • Successful performance in the selection interview
  • Recognition of Prior Learning is considered for admission following the Walter Sisulu University RPL policy. Correct procedures and processes must be followed if a student wishes to apply through this route.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.



The purpose of the Master’ degree in social work is to enable professionally qualified and experienced social workers the opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills at an advanced and specialised level of study.

Entrance Qualification

  • Candidates must have a four-year degree course with at least two years of experience as a practitioner in the field.
  • The candidate can also be admitted to the programme if the candidate has a three-year social science undergraduate degree with an honours degree, and at least, two years of experience in a related organisation.
  • A student with a four-year degree course has to be registered with the (SACSSP).
  • The candidate is required to have obtained a 60% pass in his or her undergraduate programme.
  • An exception to the rule requires admission of a candidate with a four-year undergraduate degree in social work who must have passed the degree with distinction in fieldwork and theory.

Duration of the Programme

The programme will extend over two years of full-time or three years of part-time study.


For details of the curriculum and other rules, download a copy of the 2021 Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law prospectus.


Dissertation only