Elizabeth Donkin Hospital School Of Nursing Admission Guidelines In South Africa

By | January 4, 2024

Admissions Process

The journey to a career in nursing begins with the Elizabeth Donkin Hospital School of Nursing. Its doors open wide for those who wish to pursue their dreams and enter into this field of healthcare service. Prospective students must meet certain requirements, determined by South Africa’s regulations before they can be admitted to the school.

Students must:
– Present evidence of academic achievement as outlined by national standards
– Pass an entrance examination that tests knowledge of mathematics, the English language, physical science, and biology
– Submit official documentation attesting to good moral character

This is only the beginning step in determining whether or not candidates are prepared for the rigorous curriculum offered at Elizabeth Donkin Hospital School of Nursing. The admissions process requires hard work, dedication, and commitment from each student seeking acceptance. With careful consideration given to each applicant’s credentials, potential students may soon find themselves embarking upon a new journey toward success and fulfillment. Now that eligibility has been established, it is time to consider costs and financial aid options available for those pursuing admission into Elizabeth Donkin Hospital School of Nursing.

Costs And Financial Aid

Prospective students of the Elizabeth Donkin Hospital School of Nursing in South Africa must consider the cost of attending and available financial aid. Tuition costs for the school vary, depending on a student’s chosen program: Bachelor’s Degree (R150 000), Diploma (R90 000) and Higher Certificate (R50 000). Additionally, there are additional fees to pay such as registration fees, library fees, medical insurance, and field trips. Financial aid is available for those who qualify, through government-sponsored bursaries or scholarships from various organizations that cover tuition fees up to 100%. For more information about prospective funding opportunities, applicants should contact the Student Funding Office at the hospital school directly. It is important to note that financial aid may not be enough to cover all related expenses associated with nursing studies in South Africa.


The Elizabeth Donkin Hospital School of Nursing in South Africa offers students the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of nursing and healthcare. But before embarking on this journey, it is essential to be aware of the program’s entry requirements. Through this article, readers will discover what they need to know before applying for admission.

To complete the admissions process successfully, applicants must meet certain academic prerequisites including having completed secondary school with good grades. Additionally, prospective students must present proof that their knowledge and skills are up-to-date by providing relevant certifications or transcripts from previous studies. Furthermore, a personal interview may also be required as part of the application process.

Last but not least, there are financial considerations when enrolling at the Elizabeth Donkin Hospital School of Nursing. Prospective students should familiarize themselves with tuition fees and explore any available scholarships or other forms of financial aid that could help cover educational costs. Ultimately, an individual’s dream career awaits them if all these criteria are met – yet achieving success requires dedication and commitment right from the start!