Nursing at (NMMU) Nelson Mandela University

By | January 2, 2024

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Nursing, The Department of Nursing Science was established in 1975 and forms part of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Nelson Mandela University.

We strive to be a dynamic nursing education institution recognized for its delivery of quality training programs that contribute to comprehensive health care for all.

Our mission is to offer and facilitate innovative, transformative, and research-based quality healthcare education to produce independent, critical-thinking, competent nursing graduates who will make a positive impact in global health.

The Department of Nursing Science endorses the mission statement and core values of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and the Faculty of Health Sciences and strives to:


To be a dynamic nursing education institution recognized for its delivery of quality training programs that contributes to comprehensive health care for all.


To offer and facilitate innovative, transformative, and research-based quality healthcare education to produce independent, critical-thinking, competent nursing graduates who will make a positive impact in global health.

Requirements for Admission

(Please note that these are the specific program admission requirements – the university has its own minimum admission requirements.)
Candidates must hold a relevant Bachelor of Nursing degree having obtained an average of at least 60% for such a degree, or another qualification deemed to be equivalent thereto.
All candidates will be subject to a departmental selection process that will include the following:

  • An interview with the Head of the Department and two senior academics or an interview panel.
  • Submission of a full CV.
  • Submission of the names of two referees, one of whom must be a senior university lecturer who can report on the candidate’s suitability for undertaking a research Master’s Degree.
  • The candidate’s suitability will be co-determined by the quality of an essay (600 words) which must be submitted with the application form, before the interview.  (Please refer to the departmental website for guidelines regarding the essay:
  • Candidates may be required to complete a research methodology module and/or other research-related coursework successfully in preparation for the completion of a dissertation.

How To Apply Online For NMU Master of Nursing Part Time Programme Admission 2024

Application is made through filling the application form online at the school admissions portal. Once you submit your form, you must pay the application fee for your form to be processed. Otherwise, it will not be processed.
Please note, all Nursing qualifications offered by higher educational institutions nationally are presently being reviewed by the South African Nursing Council as a standard practice for accreditation. As a result, we are currently unable to open applications for some Nursing studies in 2024 as yet.
The Bachelor of Nursing (undergraduate) degree is now open for admission in 2024. Only 60 places are available in 2024 for this degree. Early application is essential. 
The present status affects students who wish to apply for their postgraduate studies in either honours or Master’s (coursework) studies in 2024. Students who are currently studying these programmes are not affected.
As soon as the accreditation process is finalised, the University will alert prospective students as to the opening of applications via its various platforms. You may also forward your contact details to using the hashtag #nursingapplication2024 in the subject field.

Careers & Study Fields Details

Faculty: Health Sciences
Level: Postgraduate
Code: 65000
Duration (full-time): 1 year(s)
Qualification type: 72 (Master’s Degree)
Approval letter(s):
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)
Department of Higher Education and Training (DHeT).