North-West University Admission Requirement in South Africa

By | December 14, 2023

North-West University Admission Requirement in South Africa

Below Are Northwest University Admission Requirements:

  1. Study information is subject to change and is a summary of the general fields of study. This information was compiled for introduction and orientation purposes and the North-West University accepts no liability for inaccuracies that may occur in this guide. The official yearbook of the University must in all cases be consulted during the process of compiling a program for a specific field of study. The appropriate yearbook is available on request at: / 018 285 4320 /
  2. Please note that owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements will not automatically be admitted to the courses in question. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study, students will be selected on the basis of their Grade 12 results for admission to these fields.
  3. HESA (Higher Education South Africa) was formed on 9 May 2005 and represents the heads of all public universities, universities of technology, and comprehensive universities in South Africa. The SAMB (South African Matriculation Board) forms an integral part of HESA’s role. The SAMB advises the Minister of Education via HESA on the minimum general admission requirements for first-degree studies at South African universities.
  4. Before admittance to a South African university, South Africans must first successfully complete the SANSC (South African National Senior Certificate) examinations. Those students who manage to obtain the appropriate standards in these examinations are accordingly awarded “matriculation exemption” status and may enroll for a first degree at a South African university.


From the above article, you can access NWU admission requirements, if the is any other additional information you need, please visit the school’s official website  Or drop a comment below and the Demzyportal Team will give you the additional information you want