University of the Western Cape Admission Requirement

By | December 6, 2023

The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating of 3 (moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in four recognised NSC 20-credit subjects.

General Criteria for Admission to the University

Bachelor’s Degree Admission Criteria:
The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating of 4 (Adequate achievement, 50-59%) or better in four subjects chosen from the following recognised 20-credit NSC subjects (known as the ‘designated subject list’): Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Consumer Studies, Information Technology, Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies, Visual Arts.

Diploma Admission Criteria:
The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating of 3 (moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in four recognised NSC 20-credit subjects.

Higher Certificate Admission Criteria:
The minimum admission requirement is a National Senior Certificate as certified by Umalusi.

The Point System
For admission to degree and diploma programmes, UWC will use a weighted system for calculating points, stated as follows:

NSC LevelPercentagePoints for English (*)Points for Maths or Maths LitPoints for Life OrientationPoints for each Other Subject
 less than 20%0000

(*) – ‘English’ here refers to either English home language or English first additional language, not a second additional language, which would rather fall under ‘other subjects’


Post-Matric Learners                                                                                                 

If you have written the NSC examination already, you need to submit the following:

  • Certified copy of your NSC certificate or Senior Certificate
  • Certified copy of your identification document
  • Proof of any studies with academic records, if applicable, you may have completed
  • If applicable, proof that you are currently improving your NSC results
  • In an affidavit a brief description of activities post-matric/NSC

For applicants who are re-writing Grade 12 subjects, applications will be processed on the current Grade 12 results. If Grade 12 has been written more than once then your combined results must be submitted with your application.

Transfer Students

If you are applying from another institution of higher learning you need to submit certified copies of the following:

  • NSC Certificate or Senior Certificate
  • Identification document
  • Certificate of good conduct from your institution
  • Official Academic Transcript
  • Module content / Yearbook descriptor from your institution for all modules completed
  • Degree certificate (if applicable)

Students applying for readmission to UWC

If you have studied at UWC previously and have taken a break from study, you need to provide a letter of motivation to be considered for readmission to your respective faculty

International Students 

  • You need to submit your final school results to Universities South Africa (USAf) for an evaluation
  • Application for Exemption is to be done with Universities South Africa (USAf) formerly Higher Education South Africa (HESA) using the following link:
  • We unfortunately will not be able to respond to your application until you submit a confirmation letter issued by USAf stating that you qualify to study at a South African University
  • Certified copy of your passport

Post Graduate students

  • Certified copy of identification document
  • Certified copy of Passport (International Applicants only)
  • Official Academic Transcripts/record of results  (All applicants)                
  • Certified copies of degree certificates (All applicants)
  • SAQA Evaluation Certificate (International Applicants only)
  • Short Curriculum Vitae (CV) (All applicants)
  • One-page letter of motivation (All applicants)
  • Short research intention (Master and Doctoral applicants only)