Stellenbosch University Mature Age Entry Application Form

By | November 2, 2023

An average performance level of 60% in the NSC or the IEB’s school-leaving certificate (excluding Life Orientation), or other school qualification; Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%); Mathematics 5 (60%); Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 4 (50%)

Please familiarise yourself with the Stellenbosch University Admissions Policy and our Terms and Conditions for new applications.

What are the minimum academic requirements for an NSC (National Senior Certificate) Pass?​

In order to obtain an NSC pass in your Gr12 year, you must have a minimum of 7 subjects. Of these 7 subjects, you are required to have:

  • Two (2) South African languages;
  • Mathematics or Mathematics Literacy (1);
  • Three (3) 20-credit subjects and;
  • Life Orientation (1).

Furthermore, you have to pass with at least:​

  • 40% minimum for your Home Language;
  • 40% for two other subjects and;
  • 30% for two other subjects one of which must be an official language at First Additional or Home Language level and;
  • ​20% in the final subject​

*Life Orientation will not be considered as part of your average.​What are the minimum academic requirements for a Bachelor’s degree?

  • 30% for a South African Language of Learning and Teaching (English or Afrikaans), and
  • an achievement rating of 4 (50% – 59%) in four 20-credit subjects.

How do we calculate your National Senior Certificate average?

We use the highest score in Language of Learning and Teaching (Eng or Afr) + (5 x best results in 20-credit subjects excluding Life Orientation, Advanced Mathematics, Mathematics 3 and any other non-NSC subject s). The total is then divided by 6.

How do we assess international qualifications?

  • We use the final school results from the International Curriculum (Cambridge International, International Baccalaureate, etc.), including School of Tomorrow. 
  • Click here for the minimum requirements for international curricula. (Cambridge A-levels, AS-levels, GCSE/IGCSE/O-levels; IB Diploma; American School and Abitur
  • Also, meet further requirements specific to the programme(s) of your choice as set out in the programme outlines under the various Faculties.

What are the basic admission requirements to study at Stellenbosch University?

International Stude​nts

Students must present the following supporting documentation: A certified copy of your valid passport. Certified copy of your valid study visa issued for Stellenbosch University or proof of permanent residence/ refugee status/ asylum seeker.

What are the Faculty Selection Guidelines​​

Large numbers of prospective students apply for our programmes. Unfortunately, we can accept only a limited number of students. Even though you may meet the admission requirements of a programme, you are not guaranteed admission to the programme of your choice. 

Arts and Social Sciences (please note that this document is under review, and will be finalised by 29 May 2023)
Economic and Management Sciences
Education (Foundation Phase)
Education (Intermediate Phase)
Medicine and Health Sciences
– Dietetics
– Physiotherapy
– Speech-Language Therapy
– Occupational Therapy
– Nursing
Military Science 

For further enquiries:
Tel.: 021 808 9111