List Of Maize Farmers In South Africa

List Of Maize Farmers In South Africa

Which maize is best in South Africa?

CAP 90-01 is widely adapted for all Southern African conditions. It is tolerant to most maize diseases in Southern and Eastern Africa.

It has a high potential of yielding over 14mt/ha in certain areas of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. It is also adapted to other areas with reasonable rainfall expectations.

How many maize farmers are in South Africa?

According to DAFF (2018), more than 9,000 commercial maize producers are responsible for the major part of the South African crop, while the rest is produced by thousands of smallholder farmers.

Where is maize mostly found in South Africa?

South Africa has a long tradition of maize farming, and the crop is well-suited to the climate and soils found here.

Maize (also known as “mielies”) is grown in all provinces of the country, with the majority of maize in 2020/21 being produced in the Free State, Mpumalanga, and the North West provinces.